-content_for :title do %h2 OU Fusion Physics and Astronomy Society: Renew your membership -content_for :main_body do %tr %td{width:'10%'} %td{width:'80%'} %h2="Dear #{@member.name}" %td{width:'10%'} %tr %td{width:'10%'} %td{width:'80%'} %p The time has arrived for you to renew your membership to the OU Fusion Physics and Astronomy Society. %p Your membership expired on #{@member.subs_end}. %p= link_to('Click here to sign in and renew your membership.',new_user_session_url) %p To make sure members don't miss this email in amongst all the others, we'll send #{3 - @member.subscriptions.last.reminder_sent} more reminders. %td{width:'10%'} %tr %td{width:'10%'} %td{width:'80%'} %p If you don't want to renew and don't want any more reminders then you can unsubscribe by =link_to('clicking this link.',show_unsubscribe_url(@member.unsubscribe_token),id:'unsubscribe') %td{width:'10%'} %tr %td{width:'10%'} %td{width:'80%'} %p Yours sincerely %p John Small %p OU Fusion Membership Secretary %td{width:'10%'}