- content_for :title do Unsubscribe from OU Fusion - content_for :content do .row %div{class: 'col-md-4 center-block'} -bs_panel('Unsubscribe from OU Fusion','primary') do -if current_user .row %div{class: 'col-md-10 center-block'} %h3#unsubscribe = "Hi #{@user.first_name} now you've logged in and we know it's you, you can click the button below to unsubscribe" .row %div{class: 'col-md-8 center-block'} =button_to 'Click here to unsubscribe',unsubscribe_path,class: "btn btn-warning", id: 'btn-unsubscribe',method: :patch -else .row %div{class: 'col-md-10 center-block'} %h3#unsubscribe = "Hi #{@user.first_name} before we unsubscribe you we need to make sure it's you. So please sign in with your email address and password" .row %div{class: 'col-md-8 center-block'} =link_to 'Click here to login',new_user_session_path,class: "btn btn-primary", id: 'login'