.row .col-md-6.center-block -bs_panel("Hi #{@user.first_name}, welome back",'primary',:h3) do %p You can complete your OU Fusion membership by buying a one year subscription for £7. Just click the button below. %p Once you've completed your subscription you'll get a confirmation. I'll also be sending a welcome pack with recent newsletters. =bootstrap_form_for(@user,url:confirm_subscription_path(@user.subscribe_token),method: 'post') do |f| = f.alert_message "You must accept the terms and conditions before continuing" = f.check_box :accepted_t_and_c,label: h('I agree that the personal details previously entered by me will be held on computer systems and will be used only for the administration of Fusion the Open University Physics and Astronomy Society and the Institute of Physics') = f.submit "Buy a one year subscription to OU Fusion for £7",class: 'btn btn-primary center-block'