-content_for :title do Your OU Fusion membership needs to be completed -content_for :main_body do %tr %td{width:'10%'} %td{width:'80%'} %h2="Hi #{@user.first_name}" %td{width:'10%'} %tr %td{width:'10%'} %td{width:'80%'} %p= "I'm the OU Fusion membership secretary. I see you signed up on #{@user.created_at.to_date}" %h3= "I have a membership pack ready to send to you" %p= "Unfortunately you signed up before we had our online sign up system working properly and there's a critical bit missing from your application" %p= "The critical bit is buying a subscription. We didn't have that set up properly when you signed up, so you'll need to do it now. It's £7 for a year" %td{width:'10%'} %tr %td{width:'10%'} %td{width:'80%'} %h3= "You'll need to finish the sign up process by #{Date.today + 1.weeks}" %h5= "If you don't want to complete the sign up process, that's OK, I'll delete your account" %td{width:'10%'} %tr %td{width:'10%'} %td{width:'80%'} %p= "As you've already entered your details then to complete your membership application you'll need to follow these steps" %ol %li %p At the bottom of this email you'll see there's a link. Read these instructions first and then click on that link. %li %p The link will take you to a special page on our website. You'll need to sign in first so we know it's you %li %p Sign in with the email address and password you use to sign up. If you've used more than one email address then pick the one you prefer %p DO NOT click 'Join Fusion' or you'll end up entering your details over again and be back to square one. -if !@user.confirmed_at %li %p Before you can sign in you have to confirm your email address and I notice that your email address hasn't been confirmed. %p That means you'll have to confirm it before you can log in. Click this link now and follow the instructions and then come back to this email %h4= link_to('Send me email confirmation instructions','https://oufusion.org.uk/auth/verification/new') %p Once you've confirmed your email you're ready to click on the link below. %li %p After you've signed in, you just have to accept the our terms and conditions then click the button to buy a one year subscription %li %p Fill in your credit card details and complete the purchase (we don't keep card details, it's all done remotely) %li %p You'll receive an email confirming that you've bought a subscription, and I'll send out the welcome pack that's waiting for you with recent newsletters %td{width:'10%'} %tr %td{width:'10%'} %td{width:'80%'} %h2=link_to 'Click here to complete your subscription',@url,class: 'btn btn-primary' %td{width:'10%'} %tr %td{width:'10%'} %td{width:'80%'} %p Yours sincerely %p John Small %p OU Fusion Membership Secretary %td{width:'10%'}