-content_for :title do Invitation to the OU Fusion Physics and Astronomy Society -content_for :main_body do %tr %td{width:'10%'} %td{width:'80%'} %h2="Dear #{@resource.name}" %td{width:'10%'} %tr %td{width:'10%'} %td{width:'80%'} %h3= "Welcome to OU Fusion. We've set up an account for you on our website so you can keep your details up to date" %p= link_to 'Click this link to set up a password and login', accept_invitation_url(@resource, :invitation_token => @token),id:'invitation' %td{width:'10%'} -if @resource.subs_end < Date.today + 1.day %tr %td{width:'10%'} %td{width:'80%'} %h3= "Your subscription expired on #{@resource.subs_end} so you'll need to renew your subscription" %td{width:'10%'} -if @resource.subs_end > Date.today && @resource.subs_end < Date.today + 1.month %tr %td{width:'10%'} %td{width:'80%'} %h3= "Your subscription is due to expired on #{@resource.subs_end} so you'll need to renew your subscription" %td{width:'10%'} -if @resource.subs_end >= Date.today + 1.month %tr %td{width:'10%'} %td{width:'80%'} %p= "Once you've set up password and are logged in you can renew your membership if you need to" %td{width:'10%'} %tr %td{width:'10%'} %td{width:'80%'} %p Yours sincerely %p John Small %p OU Fusion Membership Secretary %td{width:'10%'}